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Scandinavian Time

Anchorage Time






- When can we leave?

We found out that both of us had the opportunity to leave in 2012.
It turned out that there were to possible periods: in the springtime for bear hunting and in the fall for bear- and moose hunting. 
Hunting in springtime may be carried out with a snow scooter after bears that newly have left their winter lairs, or later when most of the snow is gone.
The fall hunting can be either a moose hunt, a combo of bear- and moose hunt, or just a bear hunt.

Svein could leave no matter what period, but for me, Peter, it was difficult to leave at the end of August due to my work. Then it turned out that it was possible to make a combo hunt for moose and bear in the first part of September. In addition, at this time there is also still salmon in the rivers. I was given the green light to take time off from work in the first part of September 2012.

Svein and Peter
02.04 2012


Copyright Peter Andersson-Ulseth / Svein Naustdalslid 2014